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Record disappears in join exists in left and right and not in L J or R

8 - Asteroid

Runing Alteryx

Version: 2022.3.1.486 Patch: 3


Attached is a screenshot.


I have a join where the record exists in the left and in the right, after passing through the join its lost, it's not captured in the L J R tabs. 

I tried the filter, using the whole project number and the contains as well. 

Any ideas what would cause the records to disappear? And how to fix it.


From the Left I have project BLUE ORIGIN : 22-111-01_A_DEV LEGACY

From the Right I have Name BLUE ORIGIN : 22-111-01_A_DEV LEGACY


Join condition Left project to right Name


Should match the record. The bigger problem is that its being excluded and not showed in the output Left, Join or right tabs, its just gone. 


Even the count is off, Left incoming records 49083, after the join Left count 25516, join count 23674 that totals 49190.

From the left I have project transactions, on the right its the project table where I'm getting the funding and PM. that is why it exists in both, not sure what is going on.  


Did a work around, created an Alteryx output of the data before the filter, and then processed in a separate workflow and it worked. 

I tried to provide the sample data and since it was running a sub section of the whole model it was working fine. 

9 - Comet

Hey @BAvitia23 ! I don't think there is enough information to work off with your screenshot...

Can you please provide a screenshot of your join conditions or an example workflow?

I would speculate that your join conditions aren't set up correctly to capture all of the data you want to pass through the join.

8 - Asteroid

I did include an attachment with the screenshot. Here it is, 

From the Left I have project BLUE ORIGIN : 22-111-01_A_DEV LEGACY

From the Right I have Name BLUE ORIGIN : 22-111-01_A_DEV LEGACY


Join condition Left project to right Name


Should match the record. The bigger problem is that its being excluded and not showed in the output Left, Join or right tabs, its just gone. 

9 - Comet

@BAvitia23 -- would you be able to attach a workflow so that I can play with/see the data? It is difficult to work off your attached screenshots without seeing the underlying data.

Another thought would be if there is any difference between your Project and Name field (i.e. trailing spaces or differing symbols) it would lead that join to fail.

You could use the data cleaning tool to ensure this fields match exactly. 

15 - Aurora

please share some sample data set or something which is more explanatory.
