I have a received a number of .csv files that have been zipped as .7z.
Is there a tool/macro/workflow that can read these in please? I've had no success using the regular input data tool.
Hi @JHetherington ,
You should be able to find the answers within this thread:
To tackle password protected zipped files, there is guide where you may need to add a -pSECRET argument into the command built within the formula tool.
Thanks for the reply, though I can't find a specific answer in there about just reading in a 7z file (unless I am missing something obvious).
I've attached a csv. If anyone can help with a workflow that will read this into alteryx (after it has been zipped to a .7z file) then that would be much appreciated, thanks.
Tried to upload as a .7z file, but it's not a supported file type.