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Read All Excel Files From a Folder

10 - Fireball

Hi all, 


Can someone help me out with a Solution. I want to read all the Excel Files from a Folder at once. All the files have the Same Structure and has only one single Sheet named Report. I tried with a macro but the sheet name is not coming up. Please assist

13 - Pulsar

If they all really have the same structure, setup a single data input tool to read one of the files with the correct sheet name, then change the name to a wildcard. Instead of c:\filelocation\yourfilename.xlsx make it c:\filelocation\*.xlsx

That should grab all files in that folder with an excel extension and open them up. 

If there are any errors about schema, then a macro would be your best option.

15 - Aurora

Hi, @DataPirate26 


Dear , As @SPetrie said, If your all  xlsx file have same schema and only for one sheet name, you just use a wildcard to cover all xlsx file name in path by C:\abc\123\*.xlsx

21 - Polaris

@DataPirate26 One way of doing this with the batch macro



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