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Re-add Missing Columns

8 - Asteroid

I am running into an issue with columns missing from the output of a Summarize tool due to there being no records for the particular day.  I need to separate records into aging buckets however due to the small size of the age buckets there will often be no records in that bucket.  I need a way to either not lose the buckets in the Summarize tool or to add them back in after the fact.


The buckets are New, 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10+


Below is example data.  In the below there are no records in 4-6 which is what I am running into now, but it could just as easily be any of the other buckets with no records.



UsersAging Bucket

User 1

User 11-3
User 17-9
User 110+
User 11-3
User 17-9
User 27-9
User 21-3
User 210+
User 21-3
User 27-9
User 210+
User 21-3
20 - Arcturus

@MattR79 One way of doing this


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Can you provide some sample data before the Summarize tool?
maybe we can do something from there not to lose any bucket.
