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R Tool Installing Packages

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I'm working on Alteryx 2023.1 Admin Version, I'm looking to install the R package "sentimentr." I attached a workflow that contains two separate methods I've used in the past for installing packages, however, it is not working for the sentimentr package.


Does anyone have a workaround to this? Thanks!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hi @taylormgruendel 

Please be sure to Run as Administrator. I opened Alteryx Designer as Administrator, and run your WF, then it seems Option-2 works fine.

I'm not sure why Option-1 failed, but as far as either of them works it should be OK.


Another cause can be network things like proxy, firewall, etc.. In my environment it doesn't matter, but it might be the case  in your environment.


