Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Question about Alteryx report - table of content

Not sure if this is the right forum. I created a pdf report in Alteyrx. I have bunch of tables within that report. I want to create an anchor tag to jump to that section. For e.g. I can have a table of content that says Contacts. Within contacts I have customer name. Apple, Facebook etc. Once I click on Apple then I should jump to a section/another table within same pdf with more details contact details about Apple. I don't want to create an external link. I see a lot of discussion around that. I just want an anchor tag to move from one table to another within a same pdf. Is it possible? I hope I am clear with the requirement. I can send some screenshot if need be. 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

I have not seen that created within the PDF that Alteryx produces. Not to say I know every single thing about the tool, just that I haven't seen that before. 

15 - Aurora

@devendersinghca83 ,

I agree with @Watermark .

Alteryx is very good at data prep and analysis, but not so much about data visualization.

So if I need to make a interactive dashboard, I would use BI tool such as Tableau and let Alteryx work on data preparation side.

I  already have a Tableau dashboard build for that. Its just user wants a copy of the report in pdf. Anchor tags wasn't the part of requirement. I was just playing around with it and I thought Alteryx has that feature. But I guess they don't. 
