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Publish to Tableau Server - URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL


I'm trying to publish to Tableau Server using the Publish to Tableau Server tool.

I started up Workflow and got an error。


Alteryx Version: 2020.4.5.12471

Publish to Tableau Server Tool Version: 2.0

Tableau Server Version: 2021.2.9 (20212.22.0213.1057)


Error: Publish to Tableau Server (9): TableauServer.UploadChunks (238): Iteration #1: Tool #11: Error transferring data: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL


13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @pg_two!

I have this specific error on my log a few times. It seems to be related to a credentials issue or incorrect Project Name / Data Source Name.


Please try this:


1) Disconnect your Connect to Tableau Server Tool

2) Re-Enter your logon Credentials

3) Select the correct "Project Name" (Make sure it was not cleared out when you disconnected. It may be blank after re-connecting.)

4) Check on Tableau Server to make sure your "Data source name" is valid for that project space


Let us know if this resolves the issue.

Hope this helps!






thanks @ddiesel,sure, I have tried and verified this method but the same mistakes still occur .


@pg_two, we used to run in the same issue before. the workflow runs for a couple of hours because it is processing huge datasets only knowing in the end that it will error.
what we did is we output the main workflow to a yxdb, then in another workflow we just used an input to publish to tableau server and that solved our error. hope this helps.
