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Publish to Tableau - Connection Issues


Hi all, I have a query I am pulling from a SQL Server DB and trying to push into Tableau. I am using a personal token to connect to Tableau, and I am successfully connected in the left pane.


However, when I run the workflow, I get the error "Connection to platform was not successful".


Any insights?







Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @dlund2010


Have you checked whether you have permission to write to the specified data source in Tableau Server? You should either be the owner of that data source or have been given permission by the owner. If you're able to connect to Tableau initially but received a connection error when running that workflow, this could be the reason why it's not able to connect. 


Let me know if that helps. If so, please mark as solution!


Thanks! I am the owner of that data source, but not the administrator on the server.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@dlund2010seems like it could be a proxy issue then. Check out this article that provides a solution to your issue.


If this helps, please mark as solution so others can utilize it as well.


I am getting the same error message, I also get "Failed to append." sometimes even though the tool is set to overwrite.  I am the admin no for the tableau project and I write to the same location but different extracts in the same workflow. 

10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball

Please check this. It didn't fix our problem, but it may fix yours.


Albert Alaluf
Alteryx ACE

I just keep getting the same error for both the Tableau Input and OUtput tools " Connection to platform was not successful" and even though I have tried everything from ensuring the correct certificates are installed and I used the "PeervalidationBypass.txt"  cannot get the tools to work. Even Alteryx support is struggling to assist mw with this one. Any additional input will be appreciated


The tool is notoriously unreliable. Never the less I managed to fix a similar issue (Connection to platform was not successful) by putting in some Block Until Done Tools and enable AMP engine compability mode. It was a case with several Tableau Output tools.

10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball

Hi @datadetangler @runpal 

Our issue is still in work with Alteryx tech support. I'm a little bit confident to tall that this is not tool related issue. It's totally with the network and policies on your computer.


Let me explain why?


In our organization we have several, domains, Alteryx and Tableau servers and different version of Alteryx, Alteryx servers and Tableau servers. No need to say depending on the requirements, some servers have exceptions. We have an issue with both Alteryx in local and server to publish to Tableau server, however another part of organization are good. Our sandbox Alteryx server is running well, but not the production server. I was able to publish to another Tableau server from my desktop, but not to my department's Tableau server. The latest version of the output tool (1.4.0) I found a defect and was being replicated and accepted by Alteryx. I can say too much things about the tool. But one thing is independent from the tool. When I tried to connect Tableau server thru an API, it didn't work either for my department, but it worked with other server which was working fine with the tool. All depends on proxy, security, policies, open ports and certificates installed on your computer and server. W are still working to fix. Interim solution is to use tabcmd tool which it's working. I hope this helps both.



Albert Alaluf
Alteryx ACE

See my fix here.


Please like and select as solution if this works for you.


