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Problem with Salesforce input on server

6 - Meteoroid



I created workflow in designer where I am loading data from Salesforce through salesforce plugin input. In designer everything works fine.


When I am trying to save & run this workflow to alteryx server, i got this message:


[ETL_xxx.yxmd] Tool 72 - Error: Unable to resolve plugin Python 'SalesforceInput_v4.1.0\'


I also tried to instal designer on server with the salesforce plugin as well, but it haven't helped.


Any help how to solve this issue pls?





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @JanS


Can you please upload your workflow?

Additionally, can you send a screenshot of how you have the salesforce tool configured?


This will help the community to troubleshoot further for you!


Community Moderator
6 - Meteoroid

Hello, I can't share whole workflow - but the problem is simple. I load data through Salesforce input (like in printscreen), where I filled username, login and token to salesforce. And in the end I'm loading data to Azure DB.



When I run the workflow in Designer, everything is ok. But when I save workflow to Gallery, I got this error:




I believe the problem is the server doesn't have installed some components what I installed on local during salesforce input addon installation, but I don't know how to install those components on the server as well. Or maybe problem is somewhere else 😕

9 - Comet

In the past, Salesforce came with the designer, then they moved it to the "Alteryx Gallery" (not your company's Gallery). However on upgrades, they have not removed Salesforce. This is true for a few other macro's as well. I noticed this in one of the change logs.


Here is the installer for Salesforce Input tool!app/Salesforce-Input-Tool/59b84ccbeffc2a09d4057c43


But make sure to use the same version on the client as on the server 🙂

6 - Meteoroid

I used this Input tool for designer, how I install it to own Alteryx server to be able to run workflows with this input tools on server?

9 - Comet

Log on the Alteryx Server machine, then

1. Open the link from my previous post

2. Press download

3. Run the file you downloaded


6 - Meteoroid

This is NOT working, I tried all those variants


Variant A:

1) I went on your link (!app/Salesforce-Input-Tool/59b84ccbeffc2a09d4057c43)

2) download the .yxzp file to LOCAL machine

3) click on the link and import the workflow to alteryx designer on LOCAL

4) I tried to save the imported workflow to my Company's Gallery

5) run in Compnay's Gallery

6) run the previous worklow with Salesforce Input


Variant B:

1) I went on your link (!app/Salesforce-Input-Tool/59b84ccbeffc2a09d4057c43)

2) download the .yxzp file to SERVER machine

3) install trial version of Designer and open the file

4) import the workflow to alteryx designer on SERVER

5) click on run

6) run the previous worklow with Salesforce Input


Variant C:

1) I went on your link (!app/Salesforce-Input-Tool/59b84ccbeffc2a09d4057c43)

2) click on run

3) download the newest version of Salesforce Input addon

4) open this input on SERVER machine

5) create connection to Salesforce in Designer via Salesforce Input addon on SERVER

6) click on Run >> it worked

7) I tried to saved this workflow to Company's Gallery >> still same error




I don't really understand what I should do, I want to put the workflow with salesforce input addon to my company's gallery to be able to schedule the workflow, that's the only use case 

6 - Meteoroid

So I helped myself 🙂 There are two problems, first of all, I didnt know how to install plugins on server. There is specific file C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools where must be copied files from C:\Users\<<user>>\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools. This is the working method how to install the plugin on server.




The Salesforce plugin v4 and v4.1 is not working on the server side, there are many topics on the forum about this problem. The only workaround what I found was using outdates Salesforce plugin v3.1


Schedules are working now.

7 - Meteor

Hi JanS,


I am trying to install SalesForce Input tool in my alteryx 2019.4 version, however I get the error below.


Could you please help me?




6 - Meteoroid

Hi Ivan,


it's quite a while when I was struggling with SFDC input and ouput on server, so I'm not sure properly. But check this file via File Explorer and check the access right to the file.


Btw are you trying to instal SFDC input for Desktop or Server (Gallery) version?


