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Problem refreshing a field map file in chained apps

8 - Asteroid

Hello Fellows,


I have an issue on refreshing a field map file in chained apps.


Here’s how the flow was designed to be:

The different selection in tree-map ins first app changes a template and the need of field mapping in second app.

The first app’s output feeds a field map in second flow.

In the second app, a third file is used to choose fields (by field map) and update values based on the template generate in the first app.

You can see the flows in attached files.


The problem is: When I run the first app, the field map in the second app doesn’t get updated.


Hoping for your inputs dear community.




16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @perin 


Unfortunately it looks like I'm experiencing the same thing as you which means the template file in app 2 cannot be dynamic (although this would be a good post for the ideas page!)


As a workaround, could you add " (Optional)" to each of your field names in the template file, as suggested in this article? This way, when the user gets to app 2, the field mappings are all optional and they will only fill out the fields as desired from step 1. To clean up the field names for the final output, I would then add a Dynamic Rename tool after the Input tool in your second app to get rid of this suffix that was added.


replace([_CurrentField_], " (Optional)", "")


I believe this should still get you to the output you're looking for with app 2 reading in a new file and updating the field names based on the user's mappings. Hope this helps!
