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Preserve Formatting writing to Excel with "Take File/Table Name From Field" output option

7 - Meteor



Within the output tool, I am using the take file/table name from field ouput option to dynamically output my data. I am outputting the data to a range in excel that is already formatted (ie no decimal places in accounting format). The output overrwrites my excel format. I am able to keep the formatting the same when I don't take the file/table name from field and check the 6th option "preserve formatting on overwrite". However, I need to use the take file/table name from field option. Is there a way to preserve formatting with this option?



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Are you overwriting the whole path using the range in the path as well?

7 - Meteor

Yes i am overwriting the path to include the range. 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

All right, I'll see if I can recreate.  If so, it's probably going to be a Support ticket.  Definitely shouldn't be happening in my opinion.


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I was not able to recreate - I used the checkbox with replace entire file path and it worked.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

2021-10-18 08_35_48-Clipboard.png

7 - Meteor

I have 12 different output tools with a preceding formula tool that tells where to output to my range on Excel. The formula tool is like this: "my file path"+[FileName] (corresponds to tab of excel workbook) + "range" (range differs per each output tool but is the same for all 12 of my tabs. 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Right, that's the same thing I did.  The field "PATH" in my output tool that I'm changing the entire path with is a dynamically created path/range using a formula tool.  Does your formula tool produce the full path/range with quotes around the sheet name/path as in my screenshot's original path?  Long shot but you never know.

7 - Meteor

I think Alteryx doesn't support preserving formatting when using the take file name from field option in output. I found the same question asked a while ago:


Do you know how to add a support ticket for Alteryx to solve this?



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

To submit a ticket, there's a Support menu item at the top of the menu bar (  Although like I said, I did get this to work without issue (see screenshot above - and here is the formula I used):

And again, watch those quotes.  Sometimes they make a difference.  For me, my formula is in double quotes, and the sheetname/range is in single quotes.
