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Power BI Output Tool Error: Dataset must contain at least one table

7 - Meteor

Hello all!

I've been trying to export my dataset into Power Bi, but since yesterday, Alteryx has been giving me this error:






It's the first time that this happens, since I've been exporting a lot of datasets in the past.

This an example of the workflow:







As you can see I already cleaned my data and just Selected some rows that I need.

We are talking a lot of records so it's easy for me just to send the useful information.








This is what my Metada looks like after the SELECT:







I tried to have a lot of consistency through the whole process.

I also tried to change the data Type, from Int64 to Double, String to V_WString but without any luck






And just in case, this is what my Output for the Power Bi Tool looks like:








I'm running:

Alteryx Designer x64
Version: 2022.1.1.25127

Power Bi Output Version: 3.2.0

5 - Atom

Have you figured out a solution to this? I still have the same error.

7 - Meteor

It actually looks like that Power BI Output Tool can take a certain amount of Columns.

So I had to rework everything to have my data on rows and not Columns, I was trying to export around 30-50 Columns, maybe the API has it's limits. 

5 - Atom

Hello, how many columns you ended up with? did you change anything else in your setting? 

7 - Meteor

I ended up with 15 Columns.

And as I said, rework everything to have more Rowns instead of Columns.


After 4 months of experience... I would highly suggest exporting to a CSV file instead of using Power Bi Output.

Even when you ended up with a File that is 500Mb because of the number of columns and rows is insane, it's way faster and easier than limiting everything on your workflow to 15 Columns... 

5 - Atom

Got it. I just figured out the issue I had, which is due to rows exceeding 1M. Seems like there is limitation in both row and column counts when push dataset in Power BI.

Power BI REST APIs push datasets limitations - Power BI | Microsoft Learn

7 - Meteor

Yep, Power Bi Output would be the best solution for someone that doesn't even touch half if their limits, for someone that needs a lot of rows and columns, it's not even an option.


I found that CSV is reliable, but if you have anything else that will upload to Power Bi fast and can store a lot of data, I'll be happy to see it.


Thanks for the info though!  
