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Pasting results into specific new ranges every week and month

8 - Asteroid

Hi there,


I'm developing a workflow for our insurance invoice team where they download excel exports, do a bunch of data manipulation, and copy and paste the results to a summary file for FY21. The summary file has tabs for each month that shows the grand total breakdown each week. I'm trying to develop a workflow that will pull the file name from the invoice load, because it usually incudes the date in yy/mm/dd format. Then I'll parse it and output it to a sheet name, so "210108" will paste into January 2021 tab. 


The issue is that I'm not sure how Alteryx will paste it into a specific range? How can I get Alteryx to recognize that for the current week, create a new column next to last weeks and not overwrite anything. And for each new month, is it possible to create the new tab and populate the column, or do I need to create a template with all the months first? 



8 - Asteroid

Or even just an idea of a tool I could use to paste in a certain range, even if it's not exactly the format.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Alayna 


You can use the "Overwrite Sheet or Range" option at Output Data tool.




But it is not easy to dynamically place the result.

Alteryx don't automatically recognize the optimal place.


I think it would be easier to rebuild everything.



8 - Asteroid

Hi Akima,


Yes I knew about overwriting ranges but thought there was to dynamically do it. I'll tell the team they'll have to copy and paste each time. Thanks for the help!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


I think if you want it to be dynamic, so we have to do it all in-all out way.

Meaning read the data you want to append to besides to, then do the calculation then output them all.
It would be better if I could have further developt the flow of yours, but I find it difficult to connect the flow and the snapshot.


Anthem Workflow.PNG
