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Parse fixed width - Number

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Alteryx wizards!


I am having a hard time figuring out what I am doing wrong with my RegEx function.

I have what is essentially a UPC Code i.e. 0156483010299


For which I am attempting to parse as follows:

[01564830] [1029] [9]

        8             4      1


The current formula I used was: (\d{8})(\d{4})({\d{1})


which returns null values every time, but I found that if I only leave the first part of the equation (\d{8}) I get the desired result for the first 8.

I've scrounged through the other similar topics and videos and have only come up with results where there is a space or text involved so im wondering if there may be something with how I'm combining the difference output columns.


Appreciate the guidance!




18 - Pollux

({\d{1}) is your problem.


That has to be (\d{1})


(\d{8})(\d{4})(\d{1}) in a regex tool set to parse works for me...

6 - Meteoroid


Now I feel like I can safely say I need to take a break from my computer.


Thank you VERY much for pointing out how easy of a fix that was.. very embarrassing 🙂

18 - Pollux

Totally happens to all of us - your regex was solid.
