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Parse all records for each specific child name

13 - Pulsar


I want to run my input records thru my workflow for each specific child name of the initial field to be parsed. The child fields do not exist in the data until they are parsed.  So, if I have three specific child names (e.g., planes, trains, automobiles) to be parsed there should be three parsed records for each initial input record.   The value of the specific child name (i.e., planes, trains, automobiles) also needs to be used to update other tools in the workflow as field names need to be modified using the value of the specific child name for each pass.


I created a crude analytical app to teach myself how to use action tools to update the value to be replaced with a specific child name.  I used a Drop Down interface tool just to get it to work.  It works, but only using one child value at a time.  It does not process all three at once or successively.


How can I turn this into a macro to run each original input record through the workflow using a specific child name each time?  (no drop downs necessary)





Screenshot 2023-04-16 150244.png


13 - Pulsar

Got it.  It was a lot easier than I thought.


1.  Turn it into a batch macro by replacing the Drop Down with a Control Parameter

2.  Used a Text Input tool to create a list of the Specific Child Names to be Parsed and connected it to the batch macro's ? input anchor.

3.  Make sure Control Group By Field is set to None - Not Grouping Input Data.








11 - Bolide

Can you share your Batch macro.

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