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Page size for different sheets of the output

8 - Asteroid

Hello All,


I have this requirement about the usage of render tool  .


My workflow is generating output with the data available in sheet1 and sheet2 . 


Sheet1 is a summary of sales with 5 fields .

Sheet is details of sales with 48 fields . To allow all the fields to be clearly sorted i took the page size as 20X40  . Now when i run the solution for input file , render tool generates output with sheet1 & sheet2 . 


Sheet2 is fine with all the 48 fields clearly sorted . But sheet1 information 5 fields is generated with additional space due to 20X40 page size . 


Is there a way to assign a different page size for sheet1 .



19 - Altair

I do not believe there is a way to have two different page sizes inside of one render tool. But I believe you can use two render tools to the same file - and that would allow page 1 at one size and page two at another.


If you are getting a write conflict (using the same file without closing it), the block until done tool or a batch macro should allow you to do your pages in a row...
