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PDF to Text Error : The incoming dataset on the D anchor is empty




I have a pdf scanning tool that scans invoices from different vendors in one folder.

For each vendor I have a workflow that is run when a filter is true when it tests the filename . 

During the month the invoices are saved in the folder and I run the workflow to troubleshoot any for any issues I need to solve. 

So if the filename is not found then it has the below error.  The output of these workflows are joined by a union and I can see the individual outputs from the workflows where there are files present. 

For the below workflow the output is nothing and the union that is a part of has no output when I use the browse tool.

The question that I have is there a way I can stop the workflow from running when there is no matching filename in the folder.  At the moment the workaround I have is disabling the tool container the workflow is contained in. 






17 - Castor
17 - Castor

A batch macro to change the Filter each time, run through the process, and output it should do the trick!
