Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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PDF reading

6 - Meteoroid

Hello everyone,


I wanted to read pdf files into excel format through Alteryx. I am already using Alteryx intelligence tool where I am using PDF to Text tool . But I want to bring that In excel format. Is there any way to achieve this in alteryx? Please help! 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@AmritaUpadhyay it's hard to advise when we don't know the format of your PDF currently, and what output you are expecting. The PDF to Text tool will pull PDF data and get the text out - you can then get it into any format you might want

18 - Pollux

There is a vast difference in perofrmance between natively generatated pdfs (pds created from a pdf form) and scanned pdfs. I don't use the intelligence suite but I would expect these two are very different there. On the former - you may be able to get this into a table (depending upon how static your data is) - on the later - unless your pdf is only an excel file - it may be a slog.
