I am new to the alteryx and I have one query . I have created a workflow and I have 4 different output Excel sheets , now I want to merge all the Excel output file with one Excel file with different tab sheets . Can some one please help.
Are you seeing issues with just changing your output data tools to point to the same file, just different sheets?
Data tools point to the same file . In my workflow I have 4 Excel output files and i need to combine them in one Excel output file and that 4 files need to split in 4 different sheets
OK based on what you are describing, you have the structure of data --> 4 output data tools (different file for each). So is there a reason you can't do data --> 4 output data tools (same file, different sheet for each)?
If you have a column in your data to reference to split the data, then you can use the Tale File/Table Name from the bottom of one output data tool to split - all you would have to do is select "Change File/Table Name" as the option. Here is an example: Generate output file with multiple sheets - Alteryx Community
If you need further help, you'll need to provide a clear example of your current process and your desired output!