I want to be able to output to a table within a tab that will be named with the month of the data I'm processing (which is the previous month from current). The excel tab has multiple tables but the headings will always be consistent. I've tried appending but can't seem to do it without overwriting the entire sheet.
You need to a) have that column available that gives the tab name and b) set the Output Data tool to "Take File/Table Name from Field" AND select "Change File/Table Name" as the option!
Thank you for that, it's nearly there but because my tab has a table set up already, it's starting from the end of the table, rather than the first line of it? Any ideas how can change that?
Change the output option to Overwrite Sheet (instead of what sounds like Append to Existing Data)
Thank you, just tried that, but it then overwrites the entire sheet when I just want it to fill in the existing table within the template sheet that is in place. I currently just have to copy and paste from another sheet, but trying to avoid that step, as it is a process I have to repeat for multiple datasets.
I'm sorry, by the title I assumed this tab wasn't created already as it said "new tab name"!
If you know where the data is supposed to go, you have to define the range. The same output options in the first response should work - if they don't you'll need to create the full path with a Formula tool before the Output Data, then in the Output Data you would reference that full path in the "Take File/Table Name from Field" option and select "Change Entire File Path"