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Output or rename to FTP file extension

7 - Meteor
Hi - I have an Alteryx process that generates a bunch of pdf files. My company reporting system requires a unique naming convention of the file to be picked up and placed correctly for distribution. The naming convention is: I have the "systemcodes" and "date" parts coming through in my flow. Currently my flow can easily output the file as: "". I am using the render tool. The problem is the final file extension - I need it to be .ftp instead of .pdf Is there a way to do this in the render tool or do I need an outside solution to loop through and change the file extensions to .ftp? Thanks for any ideas!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



You won't be able to save the files as .ftp via the render tool I'm afraid. Also, you need to render it as PDF for the file to be created correctly.

I'd suggest using Events in Alteryx and execute a .bat file which would rename all the files in the folder into which you output by adding the .ftp extension.





7 - Meteor
Thank you for the reply. I decided to try some VBA code in Excel to do this and it works fine. Picture of code attached. Thanks