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Output file by Columns

7 - Meteor

Hi All, 


I was wondering if anyone encounter the issue where the output file was set up to only copy the data set to column A to P but instead after the run it has overwrite column Q to S onwards as well. I have also unchecked the dynamic or *unknown columns through the select tool.

Any idea on how to fix this? 


PS. I have formula's set up on Q to Z to do other items.


I tried expanding the range and pushing the formula columns 5 columns behind but it seems to always overwrites further and further.


Thanks in advance for those who can help provide some insights on this.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Are you by any chance appending columns in your workflow? Would be helpful if you could package it and export it here for us to assist.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
12 - Quasar

Are you sure its overwriting the formulas and not inserting the new rows above them and pushing your formulas down below the new data?

Are you specifying the range in the output and have the preserve formatting checked?


Your output should looks something like myexcel.xlsx|||'Sheet1$A2:P200'

I agree with @caltang that it would be easier to assist if you can share an example for us to work with.
