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Outlook Input folders more than 10?

7 - Meteor



I am working on a project for different team and using Outlook Input tool to connect to Shared Inboxes. Looks like they are a lot of folders in the this inbox which are not under Inbox folder just created as separate folders. They have around 16 folders created additionally. Unfortunately in Outlook Input tool I can see only 10 folders from which I can extract data from. Is there a way to see more than 10 folders or to extract the data from the folders that I don't see and can't choose from. 



11 - Bolide

Here’s what you can do:


  1. Use an Input Data tool to connect to the Shared Inboxes.
  2. In the Input Data tool, select the “Advanced” tab.
  3. In the “Mailbox” field, enter the name of the mailbox that contains the folders you want to extract data from.
  4. In the “Folder Path” field, enter the path to the folder you want to extract data from. For example, if you want to extract data from a folder named “Folder1” that is located under the “Inbox” folder, you would enter “Inbox\Folder1” in the “Folder Path” field.
  5. If you want to extract data from multiple folders, you can enter the folder paths separated by semicolons. For example, if you want to extract data from “Folder1”, “Folder2”, and “Folder3”, you would enter “Inbox\Folder1;Inbox\Folder2;Inbox\Folder3” in the “Folder Path” field.

I hope this helps! 

7 - Meteor

Thank you for this but looks like we might be using different version of Designer because I can't find Advanced Tab for the Input Data Tool. I am using the newest version 2023.2. Can you please tell me how I can find the Advanced Tab for the Input Data tool? 

7 - Meteor

@Hammad_Rashid Can you do screenshot and show me where I can find the "Advance" Tab of the Input Data tool, please

7 - Meteor

So one of the solution here is download old version of connector where this was not an issue, or try and have a way with API Microsoft Graph
