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Notify users by email



I have a scheduled query which runs every morning (drop and create table daily with yesterday's data). This table uses for my workflow to send this data to my user by emails.


I would like to notify the users by email if the query doesn't run and there is no data of yesterday to be sent.


How would I achieve this ?


Hi @Borisham ,

In th events tab of the workflow configuration you have the option to send a email when running a workflow (e.g. after run, after run with errors etc.). The quickest way to achieve what you want is to create your workflow to meet 2 of the criteria options (1. for when there is data and 2. for when no data is updated). Then you can send the relevant email(s) as separate events.






If you have Alteryx scheduler or Server you have other emails options available to you too.








This one is great, but when there is no data out from this query the workflow run without data and don't send the email I need because there is no data. So there is no error from this workflow.


I would like to achieve that when there is 0 record out of this query - the workflow will be stopped and send an email "there is no data today".


Like a checkpoint before the workflow run all the way through without data.


Thanks for helping


Hi @Borisham !


Similar to what @Aidan_K  suggested, you can have another email set up to send in case there are no records in the data. This will need to be placed depending on your workflow exactly, but I can see two situations:

  1. The workflow runs for a single user and so you can use count records macro
  2. The workflow runs for multiple users and for some there are no records in the data - I would solve this with a list of users that are joined on the data and if they fall out, you send them an email saying they had no data for that day



option 1)

shown in two cases, when there is data available (top) and not (bottom); disregard the errors on email tool, didn't bother to actually set it up 😅




Option 2)

You need a list of the users you should be messaging. Then after aggregating the data (so that the join is a bit faster), you can join on user identifier and send an email to users that don't join with your data. Again, didn't set up the email tool so there are errors shown




Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions 😊


Attaching .yxmd too just in case
