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Nested query within dataset

7 - Meteor

Hi All, 


The input tool reads each weekly xls files and combines it one below the other to create one combined data file. My data set has weekly records with a column "week Ending" mentioning end of week date. I want to compare each week's "Seq" column against all sequences in previous week(CW-1) to see if it exists in previous week or not. Accordingly, a new column "Saletype" will get created with "New" as value if it does not exist in previous week else "Not new" if it exists in previous week. I can do this in sql with a query like this below but need guidance on how to achieve it in Alteryx: 


"New" as Sale type 
from data A
where A.accseq in
( select B.accseq from data B where = - 7)


7 - Meteor

Thank you for the prompt response, really appreciate it!


Unfortunately, am working on an older version so it doesn't allow me to open your workflow - I will try both methods as suggested and hopefully I will nail this down by today. 


Thanks again for all your help, hope we cross paths again 🙂
