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Need help transforming this data from columns to rows and separating into two sheets

8 - Asteroid

Hi everybody! I would greatly appreciate help on transforming this data. The first photo is what my data currently looks like and how it will always come in. The second photo is how I need it to look like after transforming it. I tried using some tools but had no luck. Please read what I am looking for. Thank you! 


This needs to be dynamic because in the future I could have different years, like 2023, 2024 etc. Also, if the end user changes their column headers, that would be an issue, so I have to transform the data so the current column headers run vertically instead, and we change the names. See picture #2 for goal output. The column names need to always be "Description" "Amounts". 



1. I do not want/need numbers that are not in the same row as a Member. So for example, "7754.6" and "-11036000" in columns E and F should be filtered out - we do not need these because in column A, there is no Member cell filled out. 


2. Member (A1) and Cumulative (A12) need to be their own sheets/table. So in this specific example, A12 - D14 should be it's own sheet called "Cumulative". A1-G3 need to be their own sheet called "Member". In some cases, data could run through A9, for example, so it cannot be hardcoded to stop at A3. Every file WILL have "Member" in it however in cell A1 and "Cumulative" somewhere toward the bottom! I just do not know how to use Alteryx to determine the end of the table. It will always be where the first blank row is. after the member section.


Feel free to copy this exact structure into your file and use other numbers etc, just make sure it's formatted exact same. 


















GOAL OUTPUT: (two sheets, but for this picture, I put in one)


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Can we have the input in text format?

11 - Bolide

This is a rough approach, but it might be a good starting point:

Alteryx screenshot.png
In the end of this, you have two separate datasets, which you can then write to their respective files/sheets:
Alteryx screenshot.pngAlteryx screenshot.png
You can see the package, attached. I hope it helps. 😊