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My iterator macro keeps adding columns in join or append,

8 - Asteroid

A simple iterator macro that looksup alphabets and returns a number from 1-26. However it keeps adding columns to the output.

I feed in 


and  want to see

A 1

B 2

C 3 

in two columns however I get many many columns.

I am attaching macro and workflow,

Please help me move past this

17 - Castor

Hi @mithily , I have fixed the issue now the result looks like this



This is how I resolved it.You were filtering on the basis where iterator>=26 so that is why it was running in the loop multiple times. I have changed it to iterator<=26 and applied a select tool to deselect the iterator field to get the desired result.



Therefore it is working fine now.I hope it helped.





Sapna Gupta
8 - Asteroid

@grazitti_sapna Sapna thank you, it is working but I thought since I am looking at 26 in the list, I have to run the lookup 26 times, Why is the condition <=26? I thought the iterator ends when it is false and the true is the output we should look at.

Can you explain it further. I really appreciate you help and did not expect such a quick reply?

17 - Castor

Hi @mithily , the value of your iterator is 1 therefor if you use the condition iterator>=26 it will always output your result in false condition therefore running the iterations for 26 times whereas if you use this condition that is iterator<=26 it will always be true. Hence no iteration will be run.

Let me illustrate it with an example when using condition iterator >=26 the result will be





When you run the macro with condition iterator<=26




I hope this helps.



Sapna Gupta
11 - Bolide

Hi @mithily,


I don't really understand the point of this as a macro.


Even the working version that @grazitti_sapna has provided you with doesn't really iterate as it doesn't need to.


You've effectively got a single join within an iterative macro that will never need to loop more than once.


Am I missing something here?





8 - Asteroid

@Ben_H  you are correct, I did not need an iterative macro. I am trying to understand how to create iterative macros and struggling to come up with a small real world case to use iterative macro. If you have a small real world example, please share it with me so I can learn. 

11 - Bolide

HI @mithily 


Some of the weekly challenges are a good way into iterative macros.


Here are a couple of examples -


The good thing here is that you have a set challenge, with the solution you are aiming for. If you get stuck you can also have a look at other users solutions to get an idea of how they work.


There is a good iterative macro problem that I think is one of the questions on the Core accreditation (maybe?) It gives you a list of airports arrivals and departures. Your job is to chain them together to work out what the nth leg of the journey is.





8 - Asteroid

@Ben_H  ty, very much, I will look through those examples and learn it, I apprecaite you pointing me to the correct challenge.
