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Multirow or Formula tool?

5 - Atom


I am working on a project that includes multiple calculations based on returns of 3 indexes and a benchmark. I got stuck with my work because I am unable to process some of the formulas that I need to recreate.
I attached an example of the data I have now. What I need to calculate is quaterly returns for each index, cumulative return for each, number of drawdowns (how much it dropped compared to previous month, if positive number then 0) and multiple other calculations that compare the data for following months or use multiple rows for the calculation.

I think that there should be a better way to do this than using enormous number of multirow tools. Do you have any suggestions?

13 - Pulsar



With your example excel I could not understand what you are needing. What would be the quarterly calculation you are wanting and on what data base to calculate

5 - Atom

Hi! sorry, I attached updated workbook. I put some examples what I want to achieve - formulas that use the multirow logic but based on a date.

13 - Pulsar



Unfortunately for multi row formulas, even the version I'm using doesn't have sum and mult aggregation functions because they ignore nulls

Here is an example workflow showing how to solve the problem
