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Multiple similar file but structure is not consistent

7 - Meteor

I'm trying to build a macro off a few files, but for one of the input file, the structure and header is not always the same.  Few variation of the file, would an empty row above the header, header naming is slightly off, or table start in column B instead of A. 


Is there a way for Alteryx to format the structure if I were to somehow provide a template for it to follow?   See attached mockup. 



Thanks in advance.  

20 - Arcturus

@dchin in your desired template what would be the actual column names? is it the below ones



7 - Meteor

Yes, the headers should be the below.  But sometimes I receive files with a slight variation like the one listed under "version 2" sample.   

Order ID

Order Date

Customer ID


20 - Arcturus

@dchin try the below method, this might be working for your use-case


7 - Meteor

Thank you!  This works if I were to manually input the file.  Is there a way to run this automatically?  


For instance, I want to create the workflow where user will drop the input file into a folder.  Then have Alteryx pick up that file from the folder and it will basically determine which version to run whether it version 1,2, or 3.

20 - Arcturus

@dchin If the column names are same in all the input file I think you can use this workflow, this should work all your given scnario, one thing is you need to mention only the field names in a given file
