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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Multiple filters from one field

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Everyone,


I am quite new to Alteryx and trying to develop a solution that reports data for multiple types of products. These are recorded in a column "Product Type". One way, that is quite time consuming is to filter each one of them. Another way I found is to use the option in the output tool that allows to filter data into a product per sheet, but then I cannot use that for further analysis in the workflow.


Do you have any suggestions that allow me to simplify such a workflow?


Thank you!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@mariussmintina I lost you halfway across your statement - I am not sure what you mean because I cannot visualize your data. Do you mind sharing some sample data / expected output? In addition, if you can share your workflow, that'd be great. We can have a look & suggest from there.




Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
9 - Comet

Hi @mariussmintina . I think a batch macro will do the trick. You can create a process (filter the data), turn that into a batch macro, which will repeat that process for each of your groups. I would happily take at look at your problem in more detail if you provide some sample data.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Chris,


Thanks for your answer.

Sorry I cannot share more information, but I think a batch macro will do the trick!


Thank you!

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Caltang,


I cannot share more data, but a batch macro helped a lot.

Thanks for the quick reply.


