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Multi-Row Formula help

5 - Atom

Hey everyone!


I am currently working with API data that we are calling and am having difficulties with getting the Multi-Row Formula tool to do what I need. To be honest, it might not even be the right tool for this particular problem, but had worked until this point. In the API data I have a column 'Name' that contains custom_attribute_term and custom_attribute_value. I need to be able to transpose the data out to where the custom_attribute_term is the column name and custom_attribute_value are the values for the column. With that I have been trying to create a new column that basically takes the term and lines it up with its corresponding value. Please see the screenshot for more sample data details about where I am and where I need to be. Thanks for the help!

Alteryx question.png

14 - Magnetar



try this 


if contains([name],"term") then [value] else [term:row-1] endif


and then another formula tool with if contains([name],"term") then null() else [term] endif

20 - Arcturus

@dhill2023 one way of doing this


5 - Atom

Thank you for the help with this! I went with this solution and it worked like a charm 👍
