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Multi Criteria Analysis

7 - Meteor

Hi, all.  Sample data set attached, which has multiple lines for each of three users.  Each line has a "1" in either the [Test 1], [Test 2], or [Test 3] field (for each record, only one of the "Test" fields will have the value of "1" - the other two are value of "0").  I'm trying to figure out how to flag all records for a [User ID] that has at least 1 record with the [Test 1], [Test 2], and [Test 3] fields populated with "1".  So to be flagged, a user must have at least one record where [Test 1]="1", another record(s) where [Test 2="1", and another record(s) where [Test 3]="1".  If all three conditions are met, then every record for that [User ID] would be flagged in a new column.


In this sample data, only Joe and Pete would be flagged - Mary only has records with [Test 1] and [Test 2] populated with value "1".  Hence, the desired output would have all Joe records and all Pete records flagged as "Y", and all of the Mary records flagged as "N".


Somewhat confusing - hope I explained it well enough.  The sample workflow just has two Text Inputs - one with the sample data set and another showing the desired end result with appropriate records flagged.  Thanks!


Solution attached! Summarize across User ID and UserName, and sum the test fields, then use a formula tool to create the flag, then join back to the original data set. 





9 - Comet

@BrandonB , did the exact same thing as you, but you beat me to it again : ) 


Always a race to the solution! I'm happy to see partners contribute no matter who get to the answer first haha. 

7 - Meteor

Thanks much to all!  Huge help!
