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Moving data to 1 line


I have a text file that has over 12,000 lines and the totals are on three lines. I want to find the word Total and move the data from the next 2 lines up to the Total line in different columns. Does anyone know how this can be done?

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @pklinedinst 

I am assuming here that you have at least 2 columns, of which 1 column contains some descriptive text and the other contains values. Can you clarify what you mean by "move the data from the next 2 lines up to the Total line"? Do you mean add the values? It's best if you can provide some sample input vs. output so that the problem statement is clearer.



I have 1 column that contains the whole line of data it looks like this and it is called Field_1:


I want the 2nd and 3rd row to be on the same line as Category Total in a separate column. That way I can put each total in a separate column like:

 CountOtherActualPaidDiscountGainEscrowTransferredDisc BalGross IntSFNet IntSMPLoss
Category Total30.002,736,000.002,736,,736,000.000.00-219.190.00-219.19DL0.00



Thanks for your help.


I created a sample file in XLSX with a single column and put multiple rows in one column.   I was able to simply use a Data Cleansing tool to remove tabs, LINE BREAKS, and duplicate whitespace and it returned the data on one row.   You can then parse the column using the Text-to-Columns tool to put each of them into their own respective columns.   I assume you'd follow up with a Select Tool to rename the fields appropriately.



Is there a way to say if Field_1 contains Category then go down 1 row and move the data up a row to a new column and then go down 2 rows and move that up 2 rows to a new column. This text file has all different kinds of data on it. I only want the 3 lines every time there is a category changed. There is nothing in the other rows to specify that it belongs to the category total.


I would need a sample of the file as I'm not sure I understand.  I thought you mentioned that all three "rows" are in one physical column.   Now if you are talking about three physical rows you could use the Mulit-Row Formula tool which lets you read and reference lines above and below the current one being read.   You can write formulas likc IF row+1 (prior row) contains "Category" then "Category" + row+1 value.   That is where I'd look next, but a sample file would make it much easier.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I would go the multi row formula tool direction and flag the rows I am interested in and then filter them out. John has the idea here. ^^


I tried the if statement earlier and I couldn't get it to work but now it is working. Thank you for you help.
