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Most efficient way to read multiple sheets in multiple excel files together?

8 - Asteroid


I am working on a project where I have to read a set of excel files, having 10 sheets each. I have to read all of them.

Currently I am using a sequence of Block Until Done to read one sheet at a time, from each file. 

The attached image shows how I am reading the data. I am creating the Fullpath with the sheet name in the formula tool and then passing this through the Dynamic Input tool.

I believe there could be a much more efficient and quicker way to do this, but I can't seem to find that out. So reaching out to you guys for help.



13 - Pulsar

Hey @Gandalf_NotGrey 


I may have missed something obvious....on the Interface Designer settings can you tick 'Output fields change....' if you haven't already



8 - Asteroid

Thanks @DavidSkaife - I did that. Now, the second Macro that is extracting the data, is running just once and the workflow is ending after that. I am getting the below message in the logs - 

"1 iterations were run (ended by a downstream tool)"

8 - Asteroid

@DavidSkaife - I resolved that. Thanks David.
