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Month Formula in Alteryx

8 - Asteroid

Hello Team,


We have an formula available in Excel and wanted to replicate it to the ALteryx Designer. Can anyone help me with the logic.


Date 1Date 2Difference
01-06-202310-07-2023                                             2.00


The formula in excel is =MONTH(B2-A2)


Thanks in advance for your help ! 



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hi @Myusrename001  DateTime type data cannot be directly added/subtracted by +/- operator unlike numeric data so you need to use a particular DateTime function.

For your case, DateTimeDiff function would be the one. See help for detail.


14 - Magnetar

Hi, @Myusrename001 


Firstly, it is important to clarify your logic: are you calculating the difference in months directly using the dates, or only using the month values? Different functions have different logic, which may result in unexpected outcomes.


1- Maybe your fields are string, then


ToNumber(Substring([Date 2],3,2)) - ToNumber(Substring([Date 1],3,2))

2- If the 2 fields are date , so:

DateTimeDiff([Date 2],[Date 1],'Mon')


8 - Asteroid

Hello @flying008  -

I have used Alteryx default date for calculating, However if i use 2nd formula resulting as "1", but it should be 2.

Can you please help me about the logic.




14 - Magnetar

Hi, @Myusrename001 


The DateTimeDiff function calculates the difference between two dates in the next lower unit of the specified unit. For example, if the unit is set to months and the difference between two dates is less than two months, the function will return 1.

8 - Asteroid

Hi Thanks for your input, i have tweeked the scenario by calculating the differnece by days and divided by 30, will get the result what am looking for.



14 - Magnetar

Hi, @Myusrename001 


If help you get your want, please mark it as s solution and give a like for more share.
