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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Missing field in Select tool but it appears in the Union tool prior to Select

8 - Asteroid

We have a field 'Company' that is disappearing from the select tool even though you can see it coming into the select tool from a previous union tool. We have double checked each file in the directory to make sure there is a column with the name 'Company' and all files do contain that column name. Why would this happen? 


The workflow has been run, saved, closed, opened and we have exited Alteryx and came back in with no success! Please see screen shots below:

Union tool:





Incoming select tool where Company disappears in the list but shows in the results at the bottom:



Outgoing select tool 'Company' has disappeared in both the list and the results and there should be 48 fields: 



Any insight you can provide is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance Community!



Is it possible that the company column is down at the bottom of the list of column names and is unchecked? This seems like the most likely cause because that is how you drop a column from a workflow. Seeing the column exist on the left side of the tool but not exist on the right side seems that it being unchecked is likely the case. I would try scrolling down in the configuration window through the columns to see if Company is just further down. 

8 - Asteroid

We did check that also and it actually shows up in the list as "missing": 




10 - Fireball



Just to add some information to @BrandonB's response. If you still can't find the Company name unchecked at the lower part of your list, try checking the "*Unknown" box, this will include every new column that's not yet listed when you run the workflow. 

8 - Asteroid

The Unknown box is checked! 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Have you tried removing the Select tool and adding it again ?


Another consideration is that the macro is already stacking your data sets so at a glance it looks like the union tool isn’t even needed. You can reorganize and drop columns that aren’t needed via the select tool. 

8 - Asteroid

Deleting and adding the Select tool back worked!! Thank you so much! 


8 - Asteroid

Thank you we'll check that out!

8 - Asteroid

@CherieACI Ever since we upgraded to Designer 2021.3.2, I noticed that the Select tool is now case sensitive. Your source field is upper cased, COMPANY, while the Select tool brought in the title case, Company. In my experience, a union, join or append tool can rename the source field (without our consent), thus breaking the downstream Select tool.


I'm curious if your Select tool had the error, "Select (toolid) The field "Company" was renamed conflicting with an existing field name" after you selected it because your screenprint shows a conflict with the field, listing it twice. This is a headache for us as it was never case sensitive in version 2019 - the Select tool only breaks if we click into it, revealing the conflict.
