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Merge three columns into one

6 - Meteoroid

Hi there, 


I am trying to merge three columns of data into one. Right now my data looks like the below.. there are four columns under the same header "Type of requisition." I would like to merge all four columns into one column (see 2nd image). I'm not quite sure how I can do this with the transpose tool... Any help is MUCH appreciated!



12 - Quasar

How about something like the attached?

Inactive User
Not applicable

This can easily be done using the formula tool. Create a new field called "Type of Requisition - Calculation" and set it to equal this:


=Trim([Type of Requisition - Column F]+[Type of Requisition - Column G]+[Type of Requisition - Column H]+[Type of Requisition - Column I])


After this, deselect the old 4 columns with a select tool and you are done.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @koralynah - happy weekend.


I've mocked this up below - similar to the other posts on this.   If you use a multi-field formula tool to remove the '[Null]' from the blank fields, and a quick formula to pop the remaining bits together, you're off to the races!




If this helps to solve the problem - would you mind marking this as solved, or if there are still questions feel free to reply and we can iterate with you.




ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

My approach would be slightly different but ends with exactly the same output. The attached workflow also is dynamic in case additional columns are added that should form part of the concatenation.





6 - Meteoroid

Thanks Ben Moss!!! It worked!

5 - Atom

This is an example of a simple and best solution approach. It dynamically consolidate multiple columns in one.



5 - Atom

This is a great solution - is it possible to do this for multiple sets of columns that need to be merged? For some reason I'm getting a funny doing it by formulas, so I'd like to adapt this rather.


By multiple sets, I mean I'm importing 25 different sheets which each have different headers for "First Name", "Last Name", "Address" and a whole bunch more.

5 - Atom

Am trying below however not working any other easy solution?

7 - Meteor

I am trying to concatenate 3 columns into 1 new column separated by "/" by the issue is when certain cells are blank the output in the new column looks something like: Phone Number//Home Address. Among the 3 columns, some of the cells will be blank but in this case, I would like the output to show instead as Phone Number/Home Address. Any ideas?
