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Macros WorkflowDirectory and Relative Path

8 - Asteroid



Currently, we have Macros embedded in a main workflow and we are using relative paths for all the Input files.  However, the embedded macros are playing up because when a different user open up the main workflow the error message comes up saving that it could not find the folder to where the macros are saved because we all have different Onedrive folder that are synched to Sharepoint.


Does anyone know how to change the "WorkflowDirectory" section of the macro workflow to a relative path?  For example when I save the macro the WorkflowDirectory is "C:Users\8511123\OneDrive - XX\AlteryxWorkflow\" but the problem is that 8511123 is my ID and my colleague's Onedrive is "C:Users\8511413\OneDrive - XX\AlteryxWorkflow\"


Is it possible to modify the WorkflowDirectory so that is is a relative path that is relative to the folder where the main workflow is saved in, for example:  "..\..\AlteryxWorkflow\"  ?


12 - Quasar

You can configure a macro repository in User Settings on all computers. So the top pathway in the below screenshot is a network drive, and the bottom one is local. This will create a tool category on the toolbar for the relevant directory. Then the relative paths will point to those macro repositories set up by each user (including the common one). I haven't dealt heavily with this on OneDrive and so not 100% as to what issues may arise.




Check out this link as well for more information regarding using OneDrive for this.

And the help file on it:


18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

You can also change any current macro references to relative pathing under Options > Advanced Options > Workflow Dependencies: Workflow Dependencies (

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @alexnajm ,

Successfully went into Workflow Dependencies to change the location of the macros to a relative path.

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