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Layout with Section Breaks to Render as separate tabs in Excel - Can I set Tab order?

9 - Comet


I have everything I need laid out and the browse tool shows that I have product tables that are sorted by Country in a specific (non-alphabetical order) - all is good.


Now I want to render to excel with a separate tab for each country, this Render Tool above works fine except the tabs are in alphabetical order, not the same order as the country order in the browse tool.


Is there a way around this where I can get the tabs to output in the country order I choose and not alphabetical?



14 - Magnetar

Has the order changed after the Layout tool? If so you could try to sort there, right before the Render. If the issue is the Render, then you can include a number at the beginning of the sheet name, like 1_Name, with the numbers on the order you want the tabs to be.

9 - Comet

Ok I figured it out, just needed to add another layout tool, then join multiple and join the country order table, sort by that, then another layout tool set up for section breaks to the render.
