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Join not working properly (outputs is less than sum of input)

9 - Comet



Unusual one that has got me baffled...


Basically, I am trying to group invoices together based on how they've been processed with some downstream actions which I don't need to bore you with.


However, the sum of the input is greater than the sum of the outputs so I have missing records somewhere when the join comes into play, which i can identify by unioning them all together, and then joining with the input from the filter but i shouldn't really have to so I was just wondering if someone would be able to explain where I am going wrong...please!?




 This article goes into how that option works in more depth and detail. 

Why Your Join Is Getting More Records than Expected: 

How the Join Tool Works and Why You Might Be Getting More Records then Expected - Alteryx Community ...

15 - Aurora

I don't know your data, and which duplicates may be ok.


Have you tried using the Unique tool on the True and False outputs from your filter, and on the J anchor from your Join?  For the Unique tool, select the same fields you're joining on in the Join tool.


Are the duplicates from the J output anchor expected?  


Also try a Unique tool attached to your input data.  There are 113 duplicate records on the fields documentType and documentReferences.  Research a few specific values for documentReferences and determine if the duplicates are expected.


Additional data cleanup may be needed, or you may need more Join fields.



9 - Comet

Hi Arnel


I had found that article but the issue here is that I am getting less results than expected so 200 coming in and say only 100 coming out of left join and right hand side...hence the mystery...


Thanks for taking the time to look at my issue though

The mystery answer add RecordID and Summarize and evaluate the J.


