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Join-- Join Condition Issue - Left Outer Join - Look Up feature

6 - Meteoroid

Hi ,

 I have two queries


#1) As part of migration we have exporting the data from On premise to Cloud.

Table A (130 columns ) -On premise 

Table A (90 Columns -- Columns names are modified & data structure also modified(new columns added based ) )( Cloud)


I would like to perform verification of  data migration.  

I have joined 90 columns from On Premise with 90 Column in IODA. Is it any easy way to select the columns in join condition , because searching and selecting columns in join condition takes much more time .



#2) How to perform Left Join or Look Up

Presently I am using Join -> Connecting the rows  from Left un joined & Inner Join then Using Union 

Is there any single transformation to perform Left Join / Lookup Operation 

19 - Altair

I'd transpose this first then join on name and name... You can then just use a union after and manually configure fields to match what you want where you want before crosstabbing back.

6 - Meteoroid

Yes, But column names are completely different in both tables. So transpose and join won't give sophisticated results. 

Looking forward to know the join extended functionality. I can't write the sql queries also I couldn't able to search the column name in the alteryx designer which I am using. Does advanced versions have this feature?
