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JSON Build

8 - Asteroid

Hello Everyone - 

Reaching out to the community to seek some assistance in building the below JSON string for PATCH updates to be able to pass to an API call . We had a similar instance where the JSON was not that complex as below and we were able to build that however we are having issues building the below structure , please note the fields in blue will be JSON_ValueString that will be passed dynamically for updating several contacts (we built an iterative macro that was called inside the actual AWF in the previous task assigned to us). Please if possible suggest the tools which are compatible with 2019.3 version of Alteryx server & desktop application. Greatly appreciate any help. Thank you very much in advance.  


"Contacts": {
"Items": [
"ElectronicAddress": "",
"EffectiveStart": "2022-04-10",
"ContactsInformationType": {
"ContactsInformationTypeGroup": {
"Code": "ElectronicAddress"
"Code": "BusinessEmail"



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @MD2050 


What does your data look like? The best way to know what you need to do is to use the json parse tool on some correct JSON and look at the format of the output. Then you just need to get your data into that same format before you use a json build tool. 


If you have sample data I can show you. 

8 - Asteroid

Hello @Luke_C 

Thank you for your reply . We were able to construct the JSON using the same steps , below snippet shows the same and the output of the below AWF is in blue text which is what was needed. We were also able to get the PATCH call working with a HTTP 200. Thank you all very much.










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