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Iterative workflow

6 - Meteoroid

Hello All,


I am trying to achieve a somewhat (I think) is basic workflow that collects user input using a list of check boxes:

Screenshot 2021-01-29 144329.png

So that at the end of Select(87), I will have a column of selected "Groups" that I want to run through a macro to reiterate rendering of PDF reports.


How should I be setting up the macro so that it will accept that column of Groups as the filter? How can I get up the Groups column as a dynamic filter variable field?


Here is sample data. This data will be filtered based on Group selection per user input.

Screenshot 2021-01-29 144801.png

12 - Quasar

Hi @iJazper306 ,


It sounds like you are looking for a batch macro. I've attached an example, but I highly recommend you take a look at the batch macro training that is  available in the academy, here.


main workflow 


batch macro



hope that helps


Hi @iJazper306 


If the end goal is to render a PDF report per group, you may need to check the "Group" option in the render building block. This could give you different reports for the different groups you have.



I'm also attaching a workflow sample that could help. Let me know in case I misunderstood your goal. Cheers
