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Iterative Macro Condition


I would like to stop an iterative macro when a returned value doesn't exist in the evaluated field.  In other words, in order to stop the iteration, I'd like to filter out all records going to the Macro Output when x from Field #2 does not exist in Field #1.  I could Append x to all records and then compare the Appended field to Field #1 with a Formula.  I was wondering if there is an easier way.


Hi Sbaker,


Not sure if I am able to get your question fully.

Does using join helps your situation - Join Field 2 with Field 1?



Rohit Bajaj

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @sbaker - happy Wednesday!


We may need to take a few iterations at this - not sure if I've interpreted your question correctly, but feel free to redirect or correct my understanding.


My understanding is:

- you have an iterative macro with 2 inputs

- You want to continue to iterate until the data in input 1 has no rows containing a value in input 2


Depending on whether you need a "contains" or a match - I'd either go with a formula (as you've said) or a simple join (where you take the left channel so that you don't matching rows)


If I've misunderstood or missed the mark - it may be worth mocking up what you're trying to achieve from the iterative macro (just drop the inputs and a proposed output with some notes on the need) onto a blank canvas and attach the workflow to this thread, and I'd be more than wiling to crack through this with you to find a solution.


Cheers @sbaker



The macro is working properly,  though I am curious if I'm approaching iterative macros correctly.


The macro is attached; "Start Here" is where I begin handling if 1) all records or 2) no records should be sent to the iterative output.


Your explanation is correct.  I union the the evaluated results (which also go to the workflow output) with the input set (which then will go to the iterative output).  I want to filter out all records to stop the iteration if the new value of the current iteration does not exist in the original set.  I think this is different than the normal scenario where a macro iterates until all records are sent to the workflow output and the iterative output eventually runs out of data.


I used a combination of Append and Formula to evaluate if that value exists and then ultimately filter out all records if it doesn't. 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @sbaker


:-) now I'm very curious about the use for this macro, but appreciate that this may be company-confidential.


The short answer is that there is no sin or foul-play in using an iterative macro in this way - the power of the iterative macro is that it cycles until there are no more rows passed through - and an example of this would be where you look at moves in a board-game.   You want to explore the move-tree X levels deep - which means that you terminate the iterations (by passing zero more records) when either:

- Iteration count = X (you've use the iteration count in your macro too) or

- any move is a winning move (similar to what you've done with using isnull([Path order]) as the beginning of a "finished" flag


This kind of depth search until you find one or more records that satisfies a condition is a good use of iterative macros - so no foul committed at all.


:-) That's not to say that there aren't different ways to solve the problem - one thing I've really been reminded of by doing the weekly challenges is that here's as many ways to solve a problem in alteryx as there are people tackling the challenges - but if your way works, I say you're on the right track.


Have a good Thursday 

