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Issue - items on one side are not visible to choose in Join tool

8 - Asteroid

This is weird, I added Join tool and on the left I have data coming from db and it's correct.

I want to add some manual input and use Join tool, for this I used Text Input.


However, data from right anchor (Text Input) is not visible, so I can't make the join.

I tried to run the workflow and then tried to make Join, but it's still not visible for Alteryx.

Like the right side doesn't exist.


Any ideas why it's not working?

Attached screenshots. Version: 2020.4.5.12471



20 - Arcturus

@gregx The join should show records if you run the workflow. Can you close the designer desktop and open a new instance and try again?

8 - Asteroid

@binuacs I wrote I ran it.

Also I restarted it 5 times.

The join configuration should is available before run. Otherwise, how could you set it?


20 - Arcturus

@gregx @The issue you are facing for only this workflow or other workflow as well?

8 - Asteroid

@binuacs so far only in this one.

20 - Arcturus

@gregx That is strange, can you create a new workflow and see the issue still there or not ?

8 - Asteroid

@binuacs I tried to copy everything to new workflow, sometimes it worked, sometimes not.

It's really strange, also I re-installed Alteryx, but the results are the same. 

I think there is an issue in the Alteryx software.


I've made dozens workflows like this, but only this one is causing this issue.

13 - Pulsar

Hey @gregx,


One thing you could do is investigate if there is a problem with the generation of the .yxmd-file. 

You can open the .xml behind the workflow (e.g. with Notepad++) and compare if it is shown correctly. If not, your Alteryx version has a problem with generating the workflow itself. 


There you could also configure your Join by hand if it doesn't work in Designer (ofc that is annoying af). 


This is a very basic join (from the sample workflow):




20 - Arcturus

@gregx There is also a possibility that the data has some invalid characters, which might cause the join not to work, can you make sure the data is clean?

11 - Bolide

Can you upload as yxzp file .
