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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Is it possible to do a weighted average inside a Summarize In-DB?

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


Still fairly new to Designer, I have a fairly hefty database (several hundreds of thousands of unique loans) of a portfolio of assets that updates monthly, and I'm trying to build a summary entirely with in-DB tools. My issue is this:


  1. I have a created field "pct_orig" that takes a monthly snapshot of current_loan_balance / original_loan_balance
  2. I have a created field "previous_loan_balance" that references the previous month's current balance
  3. I'm creating a summary using Summarize In-DB that groups my portfolio by loan_type, orig_date, orig_credit_score, loan_status and report_dt and then applies a sum of previous_loan_balance as an additional column
  4. I know I can take an average when building a Summarize In-DB table, but I want my pct_orig field to be weighted by previous_loan_balance rather than a straight average. Is this possible?


Thanks for the help!



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I think the easiest way is to create a new column pct_orig * previous_loan_balance


Then in the summarise in-db tool create two totals one of pct_orig * previous_loan_balance and one of previous_loan_balance


Finally use a formula in-db tool to created weighted average.

7 - Meteor

Thanks! That method did it.
