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Input Data component connects to empty directory

5 - Atom

I'm creating a workflow that starts with a Input Data component that connects to "\\server\LOAD_PENDING\input_file_*.xml".


The naming convention of the source file is "input_file_<YYYMMDD>.xml".  We can have several days worth of files in the LOAD_PENDING folder that will be processed as one big input data source.  The job is schedule to run daily to process any files in the LOAD_PENDING directory.  It works great; but.....


For reasons outside of my control we are not able to automate the delivery of the xml files to the LOAD_PENDING directory.  We must manually download the files from the source.  In the event that we've not yet performed that manual step, the Alteryx job can launch and the Input Data component fails because there are no matching files in the LOAD_PENDING directory.


How can I gracefully end the job for an empty directory?  I tried checking the "Ignore XML Errors and Continue" property; but, didn't do the trick.


(I also need to add this is the first workflow step in a chain; so, I need this workflow to not error out and proceed to the next workflow in the chain)


Thanks in advance for your feedback

14 - Magnetar


The easiest way to do this is to use the Dynamic Input tool, after a Directory Tool pointing to your location.  You can configure the Dynamic Input tool exactly the same as your current Input Data tool, and use the "Change Entire File Path" option in the Dynamic Input tool to point to the "Fullpath" field from the Directory tool.  This will not cause an error if 0 records exist in your directory.  You can then add on additional tools like a Message tool to add information stating why the process did not run, if desired.

5 - Atom

Thank you kind sir!
