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Intersection Tool

8 - Asteroid

Hi Team,


Input1 consist of parking lots data of country and each needs to cover 15 mile radius of its location. Input2 contains the boundary point of area. Need to calculate percentage of area that has its parking needs covered.
Seems something wrong in intersection calculation.

Attaching Alteryx workflow



17 - Castor

Hey @GayatriPanigrahi, not sure if I'm reading into this wrong but if you want to see how much of the area is covered, because the buffer of each parking zone is so large, surely this will just be 100%? If you combine the spatial objects created by the buffered parking lots, you see the area completely engulfed and can then add the standard tools to prove it afterwards:



8 - Asteroid


Need to calculate intersection of area coverage on the county.
Which i found is quite similar to Challenge #51 but not sure what is wrong in intersection.

8 - Asteroid

Any update ?
What's wrong in the intersection ? as the coverage is showing 100% instead common overlap.

17 - Castor

Sorry @GayatriPanigrahi had forgotten about this. What are you expecting in the output? Because of how much of a buffer there is, the majority of parking lots provide full coverage and even the outer ones at least touch a tiny bit - you can see this if you look at the coverage on browse and in the % covered results.




I've attached my Challenge 51 solution in case that helps but if not, could you perhaps provide some additional information/a clearer explanation of what you're expecting?

This was a question in Alteryx advance and its not 15 miles it should be 0.5 miles

5 - Atom

@ersiddharthsingh1412 is right, the wrong value is entered there. Radius should be 0.15 miles.

5 - Atom

Also, the formula should be reversed as [AreaSqMi]/[Source_AreaSqMi]*100
