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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Internal Deadlock Error

13 - Pulsar

Hello All,

I am using some sample data from the Alteryx data store to build a quick functionality demo. 

When running the workflow, I am getting the error below which is prompting Designer to load indefinitely (and crash). I've restarted the application many times and confirmed that I dont have any of the data sources open locally on my desktop.



Any thoughts on the issue?


Thank you!

20 - Arcturus

@gautiergodard Can you try with the AMP Engine is on




13 - Pulsar

Thanks @binuacs , confirming AMP was on. I just double checked and am still getting the error.

20 - Arcturus

@gautiergodard I am not getting the error while AMP is on (erroring out without AMP Engine). My version of Alteryx is Version: 2022.1.1.3056. 




13 - Pulsar



Looks like this was AMP related, but not something fixed through the user settings, instead I had to uncheck the "Use AMP Engine" option in the Workflow Configuration window. Thanks for the help!




5 - Atom

I am experiencing the same issue as Gautiergodard. My workflow uses a cross Tab tool. I am using Version: 2022.1.1.42590. My workflow was created with the AMP Engine on and it is freezing. I have disabled the use of AMP Engine without opening the workflow, but I continue to get the error. I cannot make any changes whatsoever when the system is frozen. Does this mean that I have to create the entire workflow again from scratch?

20 - Arcturus

@malgoro Yes, you need to create the workflow again with the AMG off or if possible update to the latest version 

5 - Atom

thank you :(

12 - Quasar

Just wanted to add to this conversation that I'm seeing the error when using the Cross Tab tool and the AMP Engine switched to on, when calculating row based or column based aggregations. For example, if I select Total Row or Total Column, I get the error. When I just include an Aggregation such as Sum, I don't get the error. 


Just wanted to record the same error I'm getting.


