Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Interactivity with Maps


I am fairly new to spatial analysis within Alteryx and am looking to find out if there is any way to add an element of interactivity to an output map (and if there is a file type that would allow this interactivity?)


For example the ability to toggle certain layers like a 10mi radius around points, or the ability to view metadata associated with particular points similar to how Tableau has tooltips on hover.. It may be far fetched, but I did notice the Interactive Chart tool shows data when hovering over points so I wanted to inquire about what all is possible when doing spatial analysis in Alteryx.


Would building an App with an interface that had layer selections allow for this element of interactivity that would simply require the maps to be re-generated each time inputs / layers are changed?

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@bhennessy ,


There isn't really a way to do this inside of Alteryx. In many visualization scenarios, it is often wise to hand off to other software such as Tableau.

That said, a quick and free option is to output your data to a KML file and then either open in Google Earth or load as a layer in Google's My Maps.


Hope this helps.

John Hollingsworth
Clear Channel Outdoor